Welcome to the Support page of Turbo Pascal (With DOSBox). The support information you are looking for is available below.
**Note**: If you come here not to need assistance, you may want to report a bug in Turbo Pascal (With DOSBox)? Please [[https://sourceforge.net/p/turbopascal-wdb/tickets-bugs/|report bugs here]].
===== User Manual =====
**Note**: Due to limited compilation time, there is currently no User Manual available in Vietnamese. The Vietnamese version of the User Manual will be available in the near future.
^ Version ^ Type ^ Language ^ Link ||
| 7.3.4 | HTML/PDF | English | [[https://turbopascal-wdb.sourceforge.io/html2/TPWDB_UM/index.html|View]] (HTML) | [[https://turbopascal-wdb.sourceforge.io/lib/exe/fetch.php/turbo_pascal_with_dosbox_user_manual.pdf|Download]] (PDF) |
| 7.3.0 | PDF | English | [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/turbopascal-wdb/files/Setup/7.3.0/Turbo%20Pascal%20With%20DOSBox%20User%20Manual.pdf/download|Download]] ||
| 7.2.4 | PDF | English | [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/turbopascal-wdb/files/Setup/7.2.4/TPWDB_User%20Maunal.pdf/download|Download]] ||
===== Other documentation =====
^ Document ^ Type ^ Language ^ Link ||
| Error Unikey for Turbo Pascal (With DOSBox) | PDF | English and Vietnamese | [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/turbopascal-wdb/files/Help/Unikey%20For%20TPWDB.pdf/download|Download]] ||
| Vietnamese (Vietnamese Writing Mode) Help | HTML/PDF | Vietnamese | [[https://turbopascal-wdb.sourceforge.io/html2/VIE_Help/index.html|View]] (HTML) | [[https://turbopascal-wdb.sourceforge.io/lib/exe/fetch.php/vi:vietnamese_help.pdf|Download]] (PDF) |
| Programming Center Help | HTML/PDF | English | [[https://turbopascal-wdb.sourceforge.io/html2/PCH/index.html|View]] (HTML) | [[https://turbopascal-wdb.sourceforge.io/lib/exe/fetch.php/programming_center_help_-_turbo_pascal_with_dosbox.pdf|Download]] (PDF) |
===== Technical articles about software =====
* [[how to install|How to Install Turbo Pascal (With DOSBox)]]
* [[how to uninstall|How to Uninstall Turbo Pascal (With DOSBox)]]
===== Disclaimer =====
Turbo Pascal (With DOSBox) was developed by Luu Nguyen Thien Hau. The official website of Turbo Pascal (With DOSBox) is https://turbopascal-wdb.sourceforge.io. The author is not responsible for any other websites that offer Turbo Pascal (With DOSBox) software.
===== See also =====
* **[[faq|FAQ]]**
* **[[License|License]]**